Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a martial arts based in ground fighting. It was formed from Judo ground fighting fundamentals that were taught to Carlos Gracie by master Mitsuyo Maeda as a appreciation for his help. Carlos then taught all the other children in his family including the smallest and youngest of his brothers, Helio. Helio often felt at a disadvantage when practicing with his brothers because many of the moves in judo favored the stronger and bigger fighters. As a result of this, Helio developed an offshoot of Maeda’s teachings that favoured leverage over strength and refined the formula for fighting from one’s back on the ground.

Jiu-Jitsu burst on to the scene in the martial arts community in the early 1990s, when Brazilian jiu-jitsu expert Royce Gracie won the first UFC. Royce fought against often much larger opponents who were practising other styles, including boxing, shoot-fighting, Muay Thai, karate, wrestling, judo and tae kwon do.

BJJ training can be used for grappling tournaments and mixed martial arts (MMA) competition or self-defence. It teaches takedowns, takedown defense, ground control, and especially submissions.


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu at Ippon gym is being taught by BJJ black belt holder Jeff Lawson. The classes cater for all levels from beginner to advanced. Our members regularly compete in BJJ tournaments locally and internationally as we find this is the best way for our students to see their progression within the sport.


Each BJJ contest has slightly different scoring system but on the whole the scoring is as follow.

The valid moves are those which seek to neutralise, immobilise, strangle and apply any kind of pressure by the twisting joints, as well as knocking down one’s opponent by take-down.

The non-valid moves which are considered illegal: biting, hair pulling, sticking fingers in the eyes or nose of one’s opponent, striking the opponent’s genitalia, finger twisting, and any other move that gains unfair advantage with use of one’s fists, feet, elbows or head.

Advantages: When there is a draw in the number of points, the athlete with the most advantage points shall be declared the winner.

Penalties: When there is a draw in the number of points and advantage points, the athlete with the least penalty points counted against him/her shall be declared the winner.


  • Health & wellbeing
  • Weight loss
  • Increased flexibility
  • Self defense
  • Increased confidence
  • Conditioning
  • Social interaction
  • Healthy competition


We train with gi which is a two piece judo-like suit and belt. You can buy gi from Tatami Fightwear and Scramble.

If you are new to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and don’t have a gi then you can train in thin, flexible tracksuit bottoms or shorts and a t-shirt.

Please be aware that there should be no zips, buttons or pockets on any item of clothing.


